Robotically assisted surgery

Discover the benefits of these pioneering procedures

Using state-of-the-art equipment, Mr Casey offers minimally invasive, robotically assisted surgery to those patients for whom it is a viable treatment option.

Here, we’ve gathered together some of the most frequently asked questions from our patients to give you an idea of what to expect. Of course, if you can’t find the information you’re looking for, get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.

What is robotic surgery?

When trying to define what robotic surgery is, it’s important to say what it isn’t.

It isn’t a robot performing surgery, while a surgeon looks on.

It is a highly specialised surgeon, using state-of-the-art computer-controlled robotic “arm” to enhance their skillset, improve performance, and ensure the best possible outcome for their patient.

As with traditional techniques, Mr Casey is in complete control of everything that’s happening throughout. The difference lies in the greatly increased flexibility and control he has.

What are the benefits for me?

So what do these technological leaps mean for you? The benefits to patients undergoing surgery are clear and well-evidenced, particularly when that surgery is particularly complex.

A minimally invasive procedure, it allows Mr Casey to carry out complex procedures while greatly reducing the margin of error and keeping disruption to the surrounding area to a minimum, resulting in:

  • Smaller incisions
  • Less bleeding
  • Less pain
  • Less scarring
  • Faster recovery

How does it work?

The Wellington Hospital, part of HCA Healthcare UK, is the UK’s largest private hospital, and a leading centre for robotic surgery. There, Mr Casey uses state-of-the-art image guidance with O-arm intraoperative CT scan and the ExcelsiusGPS® Robotic Navigation System, the first spinal robot in the UK from Globus, USA.

Precision planning

After Mr Casey has confirmed your diagnosis, he’ll explain your surgical options to you. This is always done in as clear a manner as possible, with supporting literature including the likely outcomes without surgery and alternative options such as painkilling medication, injections or physiotherapy.

Should you decide to go with robotically assisted surgery, the process starts with the planning of the procedure. Images of the patient are taken and imported into the robot’s guidance system. It might help to think of this as a GPS system in your car. It helps your surgeon to plan your procedure – for example the placement of screws or plates – based on the exact contours of your spine.

This gives you a completely bespoke surgical plan, as individual as each patient. The intraoperative CT also allows Mr Casey to sync any of your existing scans with new ones. This level of detail is invaluable when it comes to making critical decisions during delicate surgeries, such as those involving the spine.

Bespoke surgery

The surgeon then uses this “route” to guide the robotic arm through the pre-planned pathway. While the surgeon monitors the operation site on a screen, the robotic arm translates his hand movements into exact movements inside the human body, making it possible to carry out procedures with more precision than ever before.


What happens after surgery?

Due to the benefits mentioned above, a procedure carried out using robotically assisted surgery will often see patients out of bed on the day of the surgery and many discharged the following day.

Of course, each patient is unique, and recovery times will vary. However the vast majority of patients will notice improvement in their symptoms at two to four weeks after surgery, as the post-surgery pain diminishes.

Mr Casey’s goal is for you to be able to return to the active life you had previously enjoyed. As a key member of your own treatment team, you can help this process with a positive attitude, understanding what to expect and when, and by following your post-operative advice and care guidelines.

If you think you could benefit from Mr Casey’s pioneering procedures, or if you’d like to find out more, get in touch. A member of our team will be happy to help.

Book a consultation


Outpatient clinics


Mr Casey holds outpatient clinics at the Platinum Medical Centre:


The Wellington Hospital

Platinum Medical Centre

15-17 Lodge Road,

London NW8 7JA


Monday: 9am-5:30pm

Wednesday: 9am-5:30pm

Friday: 9am-5:30pm


Booking an appointment couldn’t be simpler. You can book a consultation either on the phone, via email or by choosing an appointment time from the live booking link below.


WWW: Online booking


T:   +44 (0)20 7483 5104
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